Alberta Vengrytė
Cybersecurity copywriter
With more than 10 years of experience in PR and critical journalism, I took a well-thought-out turn to the tech industry and established myself as a trusted expert in cybersecurity. Charged with testing and reviewing VPNs and other security apps for VPNpro, I strive to deliver clarity in the complex world of cybersecurity. At once analytical and innovative, I thrive in the ever-shifting technological landscape, where I employ my most vital skills—creating and delivering quality content to my readers.
I wrote and illustrated my first book…being 4 years old. However, it did not entirely cover my latest passions – digital technology, communication, and contemporary art. Having graduated with both my BA & MA in Art History, Theory & Criticism (humanities) from Vilnius Academy of Arts cum laude, I’ve worked in the art and PR industries as an art critic and a communication projects manager. Since 2014, my critical articles and short copy have been printed and published online in every Lithuanian cultural magazine and the general media in Lithuanian & English (complete list available by demand). Some of my creative writing has also been featured in books (Valeveil, Stockholm, 2014).
I am a feminist by ‘religion’ with a strong passion for philosophy and specialty coffee. I value empathy and open-mindedness in my personal life. After hours, you can find me lost in reading, cycling, or browsing my endless indie electronic playlists.